Medical Bills Memphis

Memphis Medical debt is quite often a factor in the need to seek debt relief by filing either Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy. No matter how much you plan and budget, an unforeseen medical issue can interrupt your ability to earn a living, and leave you with medical debt that you cannot pay. When you have children, you never know when they will get sick, break a bone, or have some sport injury. It is always a good idea to take advantage of any health care insurance provided through your job. If health insurance is not provided, there are insurance options through the “Obamacare” plans that you should look into for coverage. However, if the bills are too large, and you find that you have been sued and garnishments are being placed against your paycheck, it does not hurt to see if you can get relief through filing either a Chapter7 bankruptcy case to get rid of this debt, or a Chapter 13 bankruptcy case to help consolidate your bills, stop the garnishment, and make your medical debt payments more affordable.

Fair Debt Collection

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, a branch of the federal government, proposed a massive overhaul of the debt collection industry.   If you have debt that you cannot pay, you have been contacted many times by bill collectors, and at all times of the day and night, quite often, this forces people into filing either Chapter 7 bankruptcy or Chapter 13 bankruptcy.  Debtors complain to state and federal agencies about unfair or deceptive practices by collection agencies.  The new proposed rules would make debt collectors go through extra steps to prove that a debt is valid before beginning collections.  The debt collectors would be limited to no more than six communication attempts per week, and the hours of approved contact would be more limited.  If a consumer disputes the debt’s validity, the proposals would require the collectors to provide clear and easy way for the consumer to challenge the debt.  Some consumer groups do not think these proposals go far enough, but at least it is a start.